8th Annual Texoma Cook-Off

Steak Cookoff Association Sanctioned Event
$1,000 First Place Steak Cookoff
Fall 2019
Family Friendly
Benefiting Home Hospice of Grayson County

How it works
Cook Team Information
Each Appetizer team provides food entry items to serve in bite-size samples to attendees (at least 500 attendees)
Samples will be served to attendees from 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm.
Categories of competition include Steak or Appetizers
Appetizers can be beef, chicken, fish, pork, vegetables and can include your secret sauce. Share your unique and best bites with the crowd!
All food must be cooked on-site
Cash prizes and awards will be given to winning teams.
Steak: 1st = $1,000, 2nd = $500, 3rd = $300, 4th = $200
Appetizers: 1st = $200, 2nd = $100, 3rd = $75, 4th = $50
Awards will be announced at 4:00pm.
Prepare and cook your award winning recipes!
Appetizer Cookoff Teams must provide their own food for entry and plan to serve 500+ attendees a sample size portion. You may prep all of your items before the event. All items must be cooked on-site.
Steak Cookoff Teams will be provided two steaks based on the Steak Cookoff Association Official Cookoff Rules - this is a Sanctioned event. Winner qualifies for the International Cook-Off in October in Ft. Worth, TX.
Teams provide their own cooker, tables, tent, cooking supplies, food & other needed supplies for the day.
On the day of the event we will open at 8:00 am for teams to begin set up. Gates open for the public at 12:15 pm.
Cook Rules
We provide small plastic cups and bowls as well as sporks and napkins to use in serving to the public.
Attendees will be given wristbands– please only serve those with wristbands. Be sure to control your sample portions.
We will be serving to the public, please be conscious of the cleanliness of your preparation and cooking areas.
All Cook Teams will report for a mandatory Cook Team Meeting at 10:00 am on event day.
All entries must be in designated containers with no additional decoration or items.
Entries will be picked up by runners between 1-1:15pm for Appetizers and 2-2:30pm for Steaks to be delivered to the judges.
Judges will vote blindly based on appearance, aroma, consistency, originality and taste!
People's Choice
This is a public vote. Voting buckets with your team name & food items will be located at each team booth.
Event attendees will be given tickets to vote on the People’s Choice awards for best food categories.
Each attendee is provided 10 tickets upon entry. They can purchase tickets or use cash or checks to vote. Each ticket is equal to $1 in the voting count.
Food item with the most “votes” wins!
For more information please contact Nancy Jackson at 903-868-9315 or by email at nancy.jackson@homehospice.org
Be a Sponsor and Help Make a Difference in Someone’s Quality of Life!
Sponsorship Opportunities
Each sponsor level receives complimentary entry tickets , registration for a cook team, name and logo on all marketing & media, listing on the Event website, Social Media promotion plus recognition from the stage on the day of the event.
$3,000 Level
VIP Table with complimentary wait staff for drinks, first choice of prime location in cook-off area, 10 entry tickets and drink tickets for beer, soda or water plus display area for you to promote your business at event.
$2,000 Level
VIP Table with complimentary wait staff for drinks,second choice of prime location in cook-off area, 8 entry tickets for entry and drink tickets for beer, soda or water plus display table to promote your business at event.
$1,000 Level
VIP Table with complimentary wait staff for drinks, in cook-off area, 6 entry and drink tickets for beer, soda or water plus display table for you to promote your business at event
$500 Level
4 entry tickets and drink tickets for beer, soda or water
$250 Level
2 entry tickets and drink tickets for beer, soda or water